We love our clients and work hard to make their dreams come true.
Below you will find progression videos for several of our recent projects. Take a look at our process from start to finish!


July 25, 2022
The #Redhot Remodel continues as demo and construction happen at the same time. Almost ready for the new roof to be installed and the rough in process begins. If you are ready to turn your house into your dream home, call Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling today. (817) 202-5811
July 25, 2022
The #Redhot Remodel continues as demo and construction happen at the same time. Almost ready for the new roof to be installed and the rough in process begins. If you are ready to turn your house into your dream home, call Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling today. (817) 202-5811
July 25, 2022
If you like your home, but you don't love your home, call us for a #freeconsultation and make your current home your dream home.
July 25, 2022
The Remodeling begins while the demo continues. This is a great opportunity to show the difference between what was and what will be. Let us know what you think of Red Hot Remodel in Rio Vista, Texas
July 25, 2022
New project starts with our favorite day...DEMO DAY! We are calling this one the Red Hot Remodel.Once you watch this video you will understand. When you are ready to turn your current home into the dream home you have always imagined, call Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling


April 5, 2022
It's been incredible to see this house transform from raw land to a beautiful home. You will be blown away as you watch the finishing features begin to take form. If you or someone you know is ready to sell their house and move into the home of their dreams, give us a call and let us make your dreams become reality. Here at Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling, Our family is building for your family. Call to schedule the start of your dream home. 817-202-5811
April 5, 2022
In this video, we head back out to the Great Granbury Custom Home build. What will you see today? Drywall installed, cabinets starting to go in, and a sneak peak at... THE DOORS. If you or someone you know is ready to sell their house and move into the home of their dreams, give us a call and let us make your dreams become reality. Here at Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling, Our family is building for your family. Call to schedule the start of your dream home. 817-202-5811
April 5, 2022
In today's video, we are back at the Great Granbury Custom Home to go over all of the exciting updates. Last week we saw the insulation going in, if you missed that video be sure to check out Episode 3. If you or someone you know is ready to sell their house and move into the home of their dreams, give us a call and let us make these dreams become reality. Here at Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling, Our family is building for your family. Call to schedule the start of your dream home. 817-202-5811
April 5, 2022
Big changes are happening at this custom home. If you or someone you know is ready to sell their house and move into the home of their dreams, give us a call and let us make these dreams become reality. Here at Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling, Our family is building for your family. Call to schedule the start of your dream home. 817-202-5811
April 5, 2022
Welcome back for episode 2 of the Great Grandbury Custom Home. In this video, we share with you the transformation from dirt to the framework. If you or someone you know is ready to sell their house and move into the home of their dreams, give us a call and let us make these dreams become reality. Here at Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling, Our family is building for your family. 817-202-5811
April 5, 2022
Today is the second most exciting day, with welcoming a family into their new home being the first. Today we are finishing the dirt work to get ready for pouring the foundation. If you are looking to build the home of your dreams, let our family build for your family!


July 25, 2022
We are nearing completion on the Metal Masterpiece. In this episode you will see some of the final design options going in as well as colors. This is your sneak peak before the final reveal of the finished home. Our family builds for your family! You can trust Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling
July 25, 2022
This week we watch as the #metalmasterpiece really takes shape into what will soon be a beautiful new custom #bardominium. If you are ready to move out of the old and move into your dream home, call (817) 202-5811. Our family builds for your family! You can trust Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling
July 25, 2022
This week we watch as the #metalmasterpiece really takes shape into what will soon be a beautiful new custom #bardominium. If you are ready to move out of the old and move into your dream home, call (817) 202-5811. Our family builds for your family! You can trust Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling
July 25, 2022
Use this economy to your advantage. Build instead of buying. Build the home of your dreams and live the lifestyle you have always wanted. Give us and call (817) 202-5811 and let us go to work for you.
July 25, 2022
Sell you house for money and build the home of your dreams with Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling. Our family builds for your family. All you have to do is give us and call (817) 202-5811 and then you can sit back and let us go to work for you.
April 5, 2022
This beautiful home is really starting to take shape. We are really proud of how well this home is progressing. If you are ready to sell the house that you are in and ready to build the home of your dreams instead of settling for the house of your nightmares, give us a call for a free consultation 817-202-5811
April 5, 2022
The metal exterior framing has allowed for the transformation of traditional wood framing on the inside. The rooms take shape as the excitement of this build continues. Custom Homes, Custom Barndominiums, Metal Homes, Custom Remodeling... If you want the home of your dreams, trust Holiday Custom Homes and Remodeling to build it for you. Call for a free consultation 817-202-5811
April 5, 2022
From #foundation to steel framing the Metal Masterpiece Custom Home has begun to take shape. Are you interested in having a barndominium or metal home custom build for you? Give us a call at 817-202-5811 or visit our website
April 5, 2022
Today is day one on a new build in Alvarado Texas. When it comes to building a new home, you have to make sure you have a great foundation. We specialize in custom homes and part of our commitment to our clients is to make sure they have a strong foundation. Today we highlight that process. If you are looking to build your custom home or maybe you want to remodel the home you are in to make it the home of your dreams, give us a call at (817) 202-5811


April 5, 2022
One of our favorite times is when we get to do our final walk through with the home owners. After countless calls, emails, meetings and so on, It is amazing to walk through a brand new home that is a dream come true for each of our lucky home owners. If you or someone you know is looking to begin their journey to build the home of their dreams, share this with them and let them know that they should give us an opportunity to earn their business. We are passionate about taking dreams and building them into reality. Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling ~ where OUR FAMILY BUILDS FOR YOUR FAMILY One of our favorite times is when we get to do our final walk-through with the homeowners. After countless calls, emails, meetings, and so on, It is amazing to walk through a brand new home that is a dream come true for each of our lucky homeowners. em into reality.
April 5, 2022
We can really see this home coming to life as the race to the finish is in full motion. If you know someone that is always talking about what they wish their home looked like or what they would do if they had their dream home. Tell them about Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling. Our Family Builds For Your Family! If you are looking to move out of the city and enjoy country living, give us a call. We specialize in building your custom home so you can enjoy the country life. 817-202-5811
Custom Home Builder Grandview Tx
April 5, 2022
Today we get an update as things really take shape inside turning this house into a home. The exterior starts to really shine as the masonry work is finished. If you are looking to move out of the city and enjoy country living, give us a call. We specialize in building your custom home so you can enjoy the country life. 817-202-5811
August 2, 2021
In this video we get to see how the Grandview Life custom home project is coming to life. If you are ready to build the home of your dreams and you want a builder that cares about your wants and needs to call us today. 817-202-5811
August 2, 2021
In today's video we catch back up with this wonderful custom home in Grandview. Some of the highlights are the HVAC system going in and the electrical going in by our friends at Dugger Electric. You will get to see a first look at part of the layout and begin to get a feel of some of the character of this build.
August 2, 2021
Exciting things are happening in #grandviewtexas as this #customhome gets its walls and roof. How do you like this layout and #openfloorplan?
Custom home builder grandview texas
August 2, 2021
After recording this video I spent some time just walking around visualizing what this slab is going to look like when it turns into a home. Suddenly the wind slowed to a calm breeze and the serenity of being in the country lifted any other thoughts in my head. That is when I thought to myself it must be the life to live in a place like this. So what do you guys think about calling this build Grandview LIfe?


Fort Worth Texas Custom Home Builder
August 2, 2021
Demo & Building at the same time? With rain in the forecast nearly everyday and a huge renovation at stake, Holiday Custom Homes & Renovation brings in the whole team to take on the job.
Fort Worth Texas Custom Home Builder
August 2, 2021
In this episode we start to see the house get wrapped and ready for insulation. More room has been added and everything is starting to take shape.
Fort Worth Texas Custom Home Builder
August 2, 2021
We have a whole new roof line being finished and the spray foam insulation is in. Just need to demo a little more on the inside and prepare for rough in of electircal and plumbing. On the outside, a sunny day shines so the crew works to get everything ready for a new roof.
Fort Worth Texas Custom Home Builder
August 2, 2021
Where did all that lumber go? Ready for a new roof on the outside, rooms are taking shape on the inside. Time to run some wire and pipes!
Fort Worth Texas Custom Home Builder
August 2, 2021
Come along with me today as we take a look at all of the exciting updates that are going on at the Extreme Facelift Renovation. #drywall going in and the rooms take shape.
Fort Worth Texas Custom Home Builder
August 2, 2021
See how far we have come. We are getting so excited about the progress of this renovation.
Fort Worth Texas Custom Home Builder
August 2, 2021
Great things are happening on this Extreme Facelift Renovation!
Fort Worth Texas Custom Home Builder
August 2, 2021
Some great things are happening today. You have watched as this house has been torn apart to watching take shape again. Today, we start to feel the first signs of it becoming a home again.
August 2, 2021
This home is almost finished and you won't believe your eyes when you see how incredible it looks this week. This has been a fast and furious project with massive changes. Let us know in the comments below what your favorite part has been.
Renovation progress video - Extreme Facelift - Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling Cleburne, Texas
September 28, 2020
Renovation progress video of a beautiful Victorian Farmhouse in Texas, by Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling. Custom home builder in Cleburne, Texas.
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August 2, 2021
Today we get a special guest to answer some questions and give us some great insight into what makes projects like this special.
Family Home Makeover - Get a Room - Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling Cleburne, TX
September 28, 2020
Come watch as Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling adds a room onto a family home in Cleburne, Texas. Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling can help with all of your custom home, renovation, and remodeling needs. Our Family Building for Your Family.
Family Home Makeover - Get a Room - Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling Cleburne, TX
September 28, 2020
Come watch as Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling adds a room onto a family home in Cleburne, Texas. Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling can help with all of your custom home, renovation, and remodeling needs. Our Family Building for Your Family.
Family Home Makeover - Get a Room - Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling Cleburne, TX
September 28, 2020
Come watch as Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling adds a room onto a family home in Cleburne, Texas. Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling can help with all of your custom home, renovation, and remodeling needs. Our Family Building for Your Family.
Family Home Makeover - Get a Room - Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling Cleburne, TX
September 28, 2020
Come watch as Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling adds a room onto a family home in Cleburne, Texas. Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling can help with all of your custom home, renovation, and remodeling needs. Our Family Building for Your Family.
Family Home Makeover - Get a Room - Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling Cleburne, TX
September 28, 2020
Come watch as Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling adds a room onto a family home in Cleburne, Texas. Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling can help with all of your custom home, renovation, and remodeling needs. Our Family Building for Your Family.
September 28, 2020
What would you do if you had more room in your house? What would you use that space for? Let us know in the comments below. Things are still getting started on this project, building a good foundation is so important to the rest of the project.
September 28, 2020
When you need some extra room in your home, sometimes you get frustrated trying to figure out how to make that dream happen. Give us a call or send us a message and we will walk you through each step to give you an incredible experience.
September 28, 2020
You asked and we listened. Today we start a new build, but unlike any other that we have shown you before. This is a remodel with a very specific goal in mind. These owners wanted more room in their home. In today's video, we start at the beginning.


Custom Barndominium Progress Video - Weekend Hideout - Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling - Cleburne
September 28, 2020
The Weekend Hideout is a custom Barndominium project that will serve it's residents as a function space while their forever home is being built on their property. Come take a look at the progress we're making on this fun home. Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling specializes in Barndominiums in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas.
September 28, 2020
Today we start a new project that we are really excited to show you.


New home build update - Grandview, Texas - Holiday Custom Homes
By Cassie Jacobs July 23, 2020
Given the times we are in, it would seem like the perfect name. However, this is Texas and when you live in the country, nature can challenge you on a regular basis. That's why this home has built in security against mother nature. In this weeks video you will find out why this home is called "Shelter in Place" as well as get a first look as this home crosses the midway mark on its way to completion.
New home build update - Grandview, Texas - Holiday Custom Homes
By Cassie Jacobs July 22, 2020
Today we really get to see what a difference a week can make. From the bare bones of the build to rooms taking shape. You can really get a sense of what the owners wanted from their soon to be new home.
By Cassie Jacobs July 21, 2020
It's a beautiful day to not shelter in place. Maybe a better day to go fishing at the pond or just sit under a tree and read a book. However, today we are looking at all the exciting updates here at the Shelter in Place Custom Home Grandview, Texas . Let us know in the comments below what your favorite part is and how you think the project is coming along so far.
By Cassie Jacobs July 20, 2020
This week we start to see a lot of details come together that really begin to show you the style and personalization of this custom home. What do you think of the design options that these owners have made? What is your favorite part of this home? Let us know in the comments below.
Custom 2 Story Home Build - Shelter in Place - Holiday Custom Homes - Grandview, Texas
July 19, 2020
This beautiful two-story home has some magnificent features for this wonderful family to enjoy. Nestled in a beautiful pasture in Grandview Texas this home will be big enough for them to grow in and capture memories for decades to come. Join Holiday Custome Homes & Remodeling as we watch this house go from concept to complete!


Custom Built Home Progress Video - Longhorn Lookout - Holiday Custom Homes - Godley, Texas
September 28, 2020
Have you ever wondered what it's like watching a custom home being built? Join Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling as we capture the process week-by-week. The Longhorn Lookout home in Goldey, Texas, is a spectacular custom home with some pretty amazing features. Built by Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling
September 28, 2020
BLUE TAPE TIME! The final details are being taken care of and the reveal of most of the lighting and fixtures that have been installed. The kitchen starts to come together. What do you think about the master bathroom so far, let us know in the comments below.
September 28, 2020
Welcome back to the Longhorn Lookout for some great updates. Let us know what your favorite parts are in the comments below.
September 28, 2020
Welcome back for another episode of the Longhorn Lookout.
September 28, 2020
Welcome back for another episode of the Longhorn Lookout.
September 28, 2020
Welcome back for the next step in the journey of the Longhorn Lookout Custom Home in Godley Texas. During this visit you will see some major changes that allow you to really start to understand how this home will be laid out. What are your thoughts on the room beyond the master bathroom, let us know in the comments below.
September 28, 2020
Today we are going to Godley Texas to get an update on the Longhorn Lookout. This wonderful custom home has some amazing features that really set it up to be a fantastic home. Let us know in the comments below what your favorite parts of this home are.
September 28, 2020
Taking a first look at the Longhorn Lookout in Godley Texas. Walk with us as we check out this build as it takes shape into a magnificent custom home.


Dream Home Custom Build - Meema's Custom Home - Holiday Custom Homes - Grandview, Texas
September 28, 2020
Holiday Custom Homes presents this exciting build for Meema. She has raised a wonderful family in Grandview in a home that was pieced together from some old farm houses. The winter months blew through the house making it very cold, and the summers made being outside enjoyable. The journey begins with the old home coming to an end so her dream home where new memories will start with Meema sitting on the back porch watching a new generation make good use of the climbing tree.
September 28, 2020
Today we are going back out to Meema's House to see all of the exciting new updates. Follow along and comment below with your favorite parts of this gorgeous home.
September 28, 2020
Holiday Custom Homes presents this exciting build for Meema. She has raised a wonderful family in Grandview in a home that was pieced together from some old farmhouses. The winter months blew through the house making it very cold, and the summers made being outside enjoyable. The journey begins with the old homecoming to an end so her dream home where new memories will start with Meema sitting on the back porch watching a new generation make good use of the climbing tree.
September 28, 2020
Holiday Custom Homes & Remodeling believes when you are building from the ground up, the ground itself matters. Today we are getting the plumbing roughed in and getting the dirt right for the preparation for the foundation.
September 28, 2020
Where one story ends and another begins. Not far down the road from the grand view in Grandview Custom Home sits a quiet home overlooking a beautiful pond and majestic green pastures. This home helped raise a wonderful family filled with children and happy memories. Today we walk through that home as it nears its final hours. To be built back as a spacious retreat for the matriarch affectionately named Meema. Follow along for this journey and join in the excitement as Meema experiences her dream home come true.


September 28, 2020
Things have really progressed at the grand view in Grandview Custom Home. Stain and painting are almost complete, electrical plugs, lights, fans, and switches are being installed, and the appliances have arrived. It won't be long now before we see tile go in and all the finishing touches completed.
Custom Home Build - Grand View in Grandview - Holiday Custom Homes - Grandview, Texas
September 28, 2020
This beautiful custom home is being built in Grandview Texas. It features indoor and outdoor living areas, a spectacular master suite, open concept living, with fresh open pastures to view. Join us as we watch this house go from concept to complete!
September 28, 2020
It's now the final week for the grand view in Grandview Custom Home by Holiday Custom Homes. We have really enjoyed making this remarkable dream home come to life. Let us know what your favorite parts are in the comments below. It would really help us right now if you also like and share this. If you or someone you know are looking to have a remodel or new custom home built, consider Holiday Custom Homes. We make the hard stuff look easy, and we want to make your dreams come to life.
September 28, 2020
We are entering the final stages of the grand view in Grandview custom home. It's really looking incredible and all the final touches are coming together. Let us know in the comments below what are your favorite parts of this amazing custom home.
September 28, 2020
We are back to get a fresh look at everything that has been done on the Grand View in Grandview custom home build. Things are really coming together. What do you think of this home so far, and what elements would you like in your home? Let us know in the comments below.
September 28, 2020
The Grand view in Grandview custom home is starting to come to live with the introduction of doors, trim, and the cabinets arriving. What is your favorite part of this spectacular custom home?
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